Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 74,462    [ Give / Take ]


40 entries this month

20:25 Dec 31 2012
Times Read: 925

Guess the plan to close by noon is not going to happen. Still got to get the truck into the shop, still not willing to start even with the new batteries. Needs its oil changed anyway, time for a tune up. Just hope it is water in the filter or something small like that. One that doesn't cost a arm and a leg.

Stuff like this really makes me miss Dad. Of course he would never been able to fix this truck, way to much computer run for a old trucker like him to fix. :) Give him a old truck and he was happy.

Then a trip to Cat's to do some paperwork, then start on helping Sis with the last of the house work. She gave Mom a shower this morning, so I am sure she is worn out.

I myself just want the four wine coolers saved for later tonight. Not to much, just enough to make me sleep good as got things to do Tuesday. Graveyard is on the list, still not gotten the winter flowers out yet. And I hope not a whole day with cleaning at Mom's, but the Kitchen cabinets are still to be done. Everything pulled out, washed, inside wipes out, new liner put down. Carpet needs cleaned.

Even the pup got in on the cleaning- she went to the groomer this morning for a bath. lol

Poor thing, all nice and clean for the new year.

Really wanted to get my hair cut today but the lady closed at 2:00. :( Curly hair- any lenght on it and I get horns. I will not take that extra 10 mins to blow dry it, gel, hairspray stuff so... horns. Look like I haven't comb it in a month. o.O

Can't wait to get it short again.



04:09 Jan 01 2013

Horns.......just your true nature coming out...:)

02:24 Jan 02 2013

Just exposing to the rest of the world what we already know...lol

But I know the feeling- We had a slow day, with snow in the morning, the kids for the create camp didn't show up, so Melissa said she would call back at 1 and we could probably go home early. As soon as she hung up the phone, we had people pouring through the door. So much for closing early...lol


14:46 Dec 31 2012
Times Read: 837

No matter how well you 'think' you know me- you don't. I dislike being called pet names. "Sweetheart" "Suger" "Darling" in messages here just sets my hair on end. Unless you are the Puppy, Birdy, Otter, Cat or so many more folks I love in the real world...

It just makes me want to use my own form of 'cutie' words.

HoneyBun Sticky Eeeeie



Cutie Poopy Face




In other words- cute it out. I am not type that likes that, no matter if you 'do it all the time, it means nothing." Ok- since it means nothing you should be able to STOP doing it, stop typing it. Right? Right.



15:36 Dec 31 2012

I like more your cutie words lol.


03:55 Dec 31 2012
Times Read: 867

Well, I don't know about anyone else but I feel like a heavy weight of bullshit drama has been lifted off my shoulders. Maybe when I log in in the morning it will not be to 10 messages from members bitching.

We can hope, can't we? :P



04:08 Dec 31 2012

Lol no doubt. You have enough to deal with. Kudos to having an overdose of wine AND surviving 2012:P

10:52 Dec 31 2012

Don't hold your breath...

15:34 Dec 31 2012

This is a true nye celebration.

22:46 Jan 01 2013

Atta girl- way to get your Christmas/New Year's Eve jollies...lol


17:01 Dec 30 2012
Times Read: 889

Is it bad that I will not eat a BBQ/ Burger from Hardess resturant due to the TV ad? I mean- can it be any more insulting?



18:21 Dec 30 2012

No it isn't- There are some ads here that I find revolting, and I now associate that revolted feeling with the product, so why should I buy something that makes me sick to my stomach? Wish I could see the commercial you're talking about...lol

18:23 Dec 30 2012

Nope- it's insulting- I wouldn't buy it either-

01:37 Dec 31 2012

Hardees in general has distasteful ads plus there BBQ sandwhich is also over 1000 calories.

02:45 Dec 31 2012

I'm not familiar with the ads, and we don't have Hardees here...I guess that's a good thing!


15:49 Dec 30 2012
Times Read: 893

Spent yesterday cleaning with my sister and her friend at my Mother's home. Totes, storage, storage racks being added, closets cleaned out with about 40 bags of trash going out in this clean up. Left to do? Laundry, and the last push of dusting, vac, clean the bathroom before my sister returns off her vaction/ time away/ must needed rest.

She will be suprised, I am sure. The house looks so much different, cleaner, and lots more roomy.

Plus side of yesterday- I went over to Cat's and had a great meal of turkey, ham, and all the side dishes. Even some great fudge, cookies. They did Christmas dinner when her brother and his wife was in to join them. I was late, and stinky... but they still opened the door to me. :D

I am leaving sister to do laundry and the several totes of paperwork/ misc junk that needs sorted and trashed as needed.

Today is my day to clean my own home, laundry, and rest. Got 3 movies from Netflicks that I have had for over two weeks to get watched.

Sounds like my plan for the day after the housework.

Monday we are working half the day. I know I have to give half a day and or Tuesday to finish helping getting Mom's home done, so I am going to enjoy being lazy some of this day. :)




19:57 Dec 28 2012
Times Read: 919

Tell ya... I miss my sister. While another sis is here to keep care of my mother and brother as she takes a break, she sucks.



She doen't care about the moving company so I can't talk to her about it, or rant to her. While she is great on the rental company as her 20 plus year job (works for someone else at this) is being over an apartment complex of over 120, she sucks at the other business. lol But she can run credit, do a back ground check, leases, notices, court to collect rent with ease.

But she really is bad at feeding me.

I have gotten spoiled. My one sister, when she fixes Mom and brother food, will serve me up a plate, tell my brother to run it down the driveway to the office. I get hot, warm food. :D

This sister? Please.... I got a cold bagel with tons of cream cheese on it this morning only after hinting I was hungry. And the other day I got a thin slice of cheese on bread with tons of mayo. Ewww... what is that?!

*sigh* Swear she is trying to make me loose weight.

It is 3:00pm and I would call, ask about a late lunch as the cold bagle was at 8:30am but afraid what she will send me. Maybe cold tuna not drained, and a cracker. Wouldn't put it past here. Sure she would be laughing as she did it too. :)

Just hope my Mom and brother are eating better, sure they are. I understood they had pizza yesterday, while I was gone.

Monday I am bringing my own food, dang it. But then we plan to close by noon so. *cross fingers* I have some wine coolers all ready for Monday night. :D

And my other sister who feeds me will be back on Wen. Think I will post a sign in the yard at Mom's "Don't feed the lady in the office." as that is what she has done this week. lol :D



03:35 Dec 29 2012

I'd make you a home cooked meal but it would be cold by the time it gotthere.

04:32 Dec 29 2012

Who are you kidding? Sevenn would eat it before you mailed it. You have one option Rat, visit me and the boys in Canada! Lol ;)


16:54 Dec 28 2012
Times Read: 930

Radu is back!! VR is the 'normal' for me again, seeing him online. lol

First Admin who chewed my newbie butt for posting internet images in my port, many many years ago.

Good to see him back.



18:28 Dec 28 2012

Yeah I was so happy to see him back :)

18:33 Dec 28 2012


21:51 Dec 28 2012

It does make things seem right with the world :)


16:35 Dec 28 2012
Times Read: 942

Your complaint, bitching would mean a whole lot more if folks on here didn't know you as one of the drama starter. Really, who is shocked? Show of hands? Yeah...

Just saying.





15:27 Dec 28 2012
Times Read: 960

You know- I can't even chat with a real life friend on this site who I got to join from all the drama, messages about the drama on here. She is home healing from a surgery and we are trying to chat.

How sad is that?

*cuss words*



16:04 Dec 28 2012

Times I wish the apocalypse did come:P...you're amazing at what you do...I for one appreciate it very much so!

Kudos to you woman cuz you totally rock!

06:26 Dec 29 2012

Now you know you can come rant and bitch to me anytime you want, sugar....lol


14:20 Dec 27 2012
Times Read: 979

What a fucked up day.

Late start due to weather on a long day.

Truck will not start.

Got repair man coming .... said he would be here 30 mins ago.

As I pay three men to sit and look pretty at me.

Any proffit is gone today.

And Friday's job will have to be bumped, if not canceled by the mad customer as we finish this job up.

If we ever get started.


Next year I am closing from Chritmas Eve to the day after New Years.



16:18 Dec 27 2012

Good shut down.....we will go somewhere between the day after Christmas and New Years for a few days.

16:52 Dec 27 2012

Sounds like a good thing to do. *sorry today was such a bust*


14:03 Dec 26 2012
Times Read: 1,044

You know- the whole "It's unfair!" cry is getting on my nerves. Others have to have paid memberships if they have more then one profile. Ask around, you will told by many how they was made to do it.

I know of a Mother, Father, son and daughter that had to get memberships.

I have had to get all mine paid memberships.

But I also know if someone in my house made another profile on the site, I would be paying for that membership too.

"Can't stop him from doing it..." Well- we can. And we do. You are not above the rules that other follow. So... stop whinning. It is his profiles being suspended, not yours. Right?


But your actions and drama will get your own profile shut down for a day. Enough already.





03:48 Dec 26 2012
Times Read: 1,046



22:06 Dec 25 2012
Times Read: 1,055

So Christmas is mostly done for me. While I worked Monday morning Cat went with me to my estimate, keeping me company while I worked a few hours and made $150.00. Have to finish up the paperwork in the morning.

I wanted, and we did make a few stops to some abandoned homes but coudn't get into any of those, locked up tight.Did find one I was able to get in as the doors busted in- the porch weak. I could hear Cat's warning of "Watch that porch, it looks rotten." She was right, and I knew if I fell the foot to the ground I would never hear the end of it as I 'bounced' on the wood, trying to find a safe place to put my weight.

I did so, only to find nothing of beauty. Only shot that would of been good was the dark stairway up, the light at the door at top. But I forgot my tripod and didn't want to go back for it. :)

So- other then a sink, not really much that wasn't taken by the scrapers. Has a second of think the cops found us when the walkie talkie in my coat pocket went off, Cat talking to me. In my mind it was a cop radio, thinking we was going to the Pokey on Christmas Eve. lol Forgot I had it with me, a must she demanded, along with my cell phone carried with me.

We then stop in a few other places, had a nice lunch, came back home to shop a little for my sister. Yes I went shopping for a few items, on Christmas Eve. Two shops. *shock and horror* lol

As we was leaving the dollar store a older man open the door for me, and Cat just ran him over with the cart. I mean... really, she was in a hum bum mood for it being Christmas Eve. lol

Cat- Fa la la la lala la la. lol ;)

Sorry- inside joke.

Then it was Cat's family to open gifts and spend time with the kids. I remember ripping into the wrapping, thinking of the fun, the joy those packages would bring me as a child. When do you lose that?

Birdy, Cat, her sister and I did exchange gifts, and I got several nice gifts. But it seems to never be all that it was as a child. Like.... you lose the wonder of it.

So home, then my family today. Sister who lives out of town was to of been here at 11:00am, but she, and the company she brings, showed more toward 1:00pm. Good news is my sister who stays with my mother and brother, care giver, is going to have the week off. They are trading places, my other sister *these two are twins, just so you know* is staying here to take care of Mom, giving a break to us. When I say us- I am sure I will be on call, get asked all kind of questions on meds, etc.

But that is cool, nothing like what my sister does each day.

We chatted, ate a great meal, joked some, and the end before sis left she tried to explain to me how to do the taxes on the payroll. Early but she wanted to get it out of the account. As my eyes glazed over, she patted the top of my head. "Never mind. Let's go do it now, you never could understand how to do the phone deposits." Well.. not true. I know how- it's the damn system that hates me. It screws up the numbers I hit, or the code number, or the EID number. Freaking things hate me. :P

So a few minutes later I hug her bye, told her I would see her next Wen. Kind of sad seeing her go. I go back into the house, passed out kisses, told sis if she wants anything I should be home... and here I set. Full belly, laundry going, and dessert of homemade cheese cake for later. :D

Think I will dig out a SuperNatural DVD and enjoy the last of my Christmas Day.

Hope all that read my journal has a great day with family, those they love. I know the last two days for me have been full of love, fun, and being accepted for who I am.

Any better gift? I don't think so.



15:00 Dec 26 2012

No,there is not a better gift.

Sounds lovely! Im glad your holiday was filled with love and joy.:D

17:38 Dec 26 2012

We only lose the wonder of Christmas when we have to start SHOPPING for Christmas- and we wimmin always have to do all of that, don't we...lol

16:54 Dec 27 2012

I'm telling you he stepped right in front of me putting the cart in the rack because he was flirting with you!

*bah humbug*


23:27 Dec 21 2012
Times Read: 1,074

What a great day. While I miss sharing Yule with the sisters I had a great day. Enjoyed a walk outside while gathering evergreens to finish off my alters. Put a pork roast that I marinade for 4 hours in the dutch oven. :)

Such a peaceful day, taking the time to enjoy the season.

Some photos to share, not really taking the time to set them up, just sharing. :)


Not burned, the black is the fat. I always cook meat with the fat, then trim it off. Adds to the taste. :)

Now to let the roast cool as the baked potato gets done in the oven along with the roasted broccoli. Got suger cookies mix I also plan to make for the group ritual but don't think I will need them.

Already did my ritual, as the sun set on the longest night of the year. :)



23:40 Dec 21 2012

Love the table ornaments and that meat is making me drool!

14:07 Dec 26 2012

Cute snowman. :)

14:10 Dec 26 2012

Mmm...looks delicious.

16:25 Dec 26 2012

good this looks good! Love the altar pictures very nice.

22:13 Dec 26 2012

Great pictures. Love the little tree :)

00:31 Dec 27 2012

Wonderful lil' holiday creations!


14:37 Dec 21 2012
Times Read: 1,084

So I take it the world didn't end. :) First day of Winter, Yule. While we plan getting together for ritual I am guessing I will be alone for my ritual tonight. Why? Well folks...


*does happy dance*

While it is not enough to cover the roads or grass- it is snow. :D And I am happy with the little amount we are getting.

A job had to be pushed back to next week. Not so much for the snow but the wet roads and it being only in the upper 20's here, wind chill in the teens. Not taking a truck to eastern part of the state, into the hills, with that cold.

So that means I get a 5 day holiday. :D I need to work Mon for a few hours but other then that my holiday weekend starts now.

Now to get dress, go cut me some evergreens, and find me some items for my alter.

Merry Yule!



16:01 Dec 21 2012

I can feel the buzz of a kid that you are giving off in this post, and it's a delight.

Wishing you and yours all the seasons best over the hols.

16:29 Dec 21 2012

WOO HOO, lucky its cold here in SC but no snow yet , hey send some our way will ya?

16:59 Dec 21 2012

Merry, Merry dear Rat :)


20:14 Dec 20 2012
Times Read: 1,092

Poo... I missed wishing Joli a Happy Holiday, she logged off.




00:03 Dec 21 2012

I think she got your wishes. Love you, girl. Merry Christmas!


20:04 Dec 20 2012
Times Read: 1,093

Miley Cyrus singing Billy Idol Rebel Yell just... make my ears hurt.

Oh my god chick- you are no heavy rock star, you just don't have the voice or the attitude.




20:48 Dec 19 2012
Times Read: 1,150

Messages from you just a few days ago...

"Power trips lead to karma just as much."

"I'm done with this conversation, you all are nothing better than the rapist himself. Good day."

"...die a horrible death is right, then you are just as sick as the rapist."

Gosh- bad as the rapist, and karma power tripper. How disappointed in me you are.

If I was you I wouldn't even talk to me ever again.

Every again, I pray... I mean.. I say.

Oh wait- that is right. You needed me to get that journal removed.

*Slaps forehead*

What WAS I thinking??




21:34 Dec 19 2012

Ever notice that when you do whatever it is that they ask of you,"You're awesome"? But the minute you dont,you're "power trippin"?

21:35 Dec 19 2012

You nailed it on the head there. :)

03:13 Dec 20 2012

-hands over hammer to VW- this the right size? Cuz I got all size needed :D and in pink :D


20:04 Dec 18 2012
Times Read: 1,173

How is my day? I know you was going to ask so...

Let's see.

I booked two jobs, with the 2nd one being a "If we can get to it" military delivery that is now pushed back a week. Not a promise but a "We will try our best." to start with ended up with "No, sorry."

Guys was all for it- more hours the better. But then the day went to hell for us.

So about 11:30 I get a call. Seems we put the truck out in a field, a field of grass mind you that has had three days of rain on.

Can you guess what happen??

I go out to find the truck buried, and a farm tractor ruts. The customer was not all upset about the yard, even after it was all said and done.

So I walk about, the boys staying away from me as I was ready to blow. Trees, could use a come-a-long to get it out of the ruts but how to get it back up the wet grass/ hill they backed down... I pulled out the phone and called in the tow truck. I explained the problem and had to go with a tow company I didn't know as the one I usually use bigger tow truck is out of the state today.

So we waited a half hour, boys still staying away from me as I was pissed at the stupid of menkind. 3 men can't do the math on rain, grass, hill, and weight of the truck. WHT, right? Fucking loons.

Tow truck shows, and it is a small one. Really? But he tells me he had the truck he needed.


Two hours later we went from my truck stuck, to truck and tow truck stuck, to farm tractor pulling out the smaller tow truck as it wouldn't touch my truck. Then we went from a crome bumper and light bar broken/ bent on the tow truck, and some deep freaking ruts in the yard. Farm tractor got the tow truck out, which would stop, brace, and pull my truck up to a point.

Cost, you might ask? Well... I am going to cut the move cost in half to help pay her son who said he would fix the yard. So with labor that means I will break even on that.

The tow truck driver, mind you I have never used them before, said he would send me a bill. He left without any payment. o.O

I took that as a bad sign. One of those "If you have to ask, you can't afford it" kind of things.

The driver has drove for me for close to a year and he made a stupid mistake. One he has learned from. Heck, the last driver costed me 4 tow bills in less then 8 months. Note the EX driver. One time is enough to learn- stay out of the yards. And when it has rained for three days- stay the FUCK out of the yard.


So yeah.. sucky day.



20:30 Dec 18 2012

-think of a song- Blame it one the rain!!!!

muhaaaa -goes hide leaving a big plate of cheese behind-

19:17 Dec 19 2012

I'd be DAMNED if I would pay that bastard of a tow truck company after they sent out the wrong truck after you TOLD them what was going on. They have NO business charging you for a damn thing, since it is now gonna cost you part of your pay from the move.

If you do, Ima come up there and take it out of their asses and yours. You know better...LOL

00:25 Dec 20 2012

^ what Puppy said ^


17:10 Dec 16 2012
Times Read: 1,230

Known by the company you keep- online as well as offline.

Maybe that has something to do with the whole karma thing.

But then... I look around at my friends and see rational people.

Yeap, known by the company you keep.



20:22 Dec 16 2012

pfft meanie! calling me names!!! I am not rational!!! I am ..... hum.... I am .... let me find the appropriate word... hum.... I am crazier then a silly popsicle slidding down a sunbath slide!

21:08 Dec 16 2012

So true!

21:24 Dec 16 2012

LOL...the appropriate word Seren? That would be..Kanuk,wouldnt it?

05:03 Dec 17 2012

That's C-anuck to you Oceanne...LMAO

20:56 Dec 18 2012


Forgive me oh Redqueen.


04:37 Dec 16 2012
Times Read: 1,273

I gave you three warnings about your tone in the box. Had to clear it 5 times from it, over two day time. I gave you plenty of chances to stop. More then I should of.

You started it again and got caught, given a time out.

While the other one got his warning, and stopped making the one comment he made, aimed at you from your insult to him.

He stopped with the warning, while you did not.

So don't think I am taking your insults to me with anything but a "Whatever dude" as I delete them.

Same crap, different person. You are nothing new here.



08:17 Dec 16 2012



12:17 Dec 16 2012

Yesterday's news.boring and unoriginal too.

Its lazy and easy to be an ass.Especially when you hide. LOL

As for you VW...Go get em, tiger!!


21:11 Dec 19 2012

You warned him, I tried being nice and telling him to check the rules. Meh, some just never listen.


01:41 Dec 15 2012
Times Read: 1,289

The things you miss when you are moving a pharmacist into his new bigger house, out of a 4 bedroom 'old house', all day without any TV or radio on. And listening to a Queen CD in the car.

Took reading the journals here to turn the TV on.


Sad day. Makes you wonder what is wrong with folks. Of course it only took watching the news channel 20 mins before the whole topic of banning guns came into play.

I have two handguns. Have handled guns since I was 14. I was taught to respect it, and what it could cause if I misuse it.

Now- do I think guns need ban? No. I think the parents should freaking lock up their guns. They should teach.

They should do background checks, they should have a waiting time to buy one.

Yes- guns make it 'easy' to act out, to react, if they are within easy reach. But I also think if you have to kill, you will. Gas can, lighter- all it would take. Acid out of a battery, club, etc. You want to kill you will find a way. At least it is how I see it.

Maybe we should teach kids about life, how your actions effect others. And how to ask for help if you are that angry.

Just a sad day.



04:26 Dec 15 2012

teaching is the key I agree with you and yes I agree also that people can take anythingif they do want to do arm or kill, even kitchen knives or a fry pan or even a pencil.... so the basic and most important thing is:teaching the value of life.

Which is really something lacking and sometimes even totally abcent in this life and time of life.


21:16 Dec 16 2012

We actually have gun laws, but many of them aren't being strongly enforced. Plus - those laws need to be updated.

It's true that a person can kill another with just about anything within reach...but guns - especially high-powered ones - can kill more people more efficiently. For example, a knife-wielding maniac may be able to kill 1 - 2 people before he is taken down; one with an AK can mow down dozens in a minute.

(And for the record, I hate guns but believe in the right to own them).


23:19 Dec 14 2012
Times Read: 1,292

Been a long few days, both at work and personal. Tuesday night was the Christmas Party for the local fire/ rescue department. Had a great time, made myself chat, talk to strangers even tho I wanted to hide in a cornor.

They gave me a plaque for helping with the Haunted House makeup looks. :) Said it was the most compliments they had gotten from those who went to it. :D The man who gave me the award, the man who asked me to do it, did a speach about me even, how I said "Sure, sounds like fun." and how they couldn't of done it without me. Ahhhh... they just didn't have the looks down, but once the ladies learned the steps, how to do the effect they was old hands at the looks by the end of it. The fire cheif made a point to thank me even.

Even got a "Hello" from the mayor, an old teacher from high school. Funny as we couldn't stand each other then. :) Time changes things it seems... but I still remember him reporting me to the principal. Of course that lead to a meeting between the three of us, and a few changes in his teaching style. Yeap, we don't like each other. But I waves back, smiles, did the "Hello, how are you?" crap.

Sure they will ask me to help next year- and if I am able I will give all the help I can. Just need to learn, try out some things before it. Really want to work on the use of makeup for the looks, not so much latex/blood. Hard to do tho when you got men with facial hair, few with glasses.

After this week I am going to enjoy putting my sore feet up, and watch a movie tonight.



21:19 Dec 16 2012

Well, I'm glad that you participated and didn't hide in a corner!

Kudos to you for the plaque!

Happy Holidays!

21:29 Dec 16 2012

I had to double take as I was leaving your page and at a glance,saw the word"plaque" almost thought it said PLAGUE!


PROPS for your accomplishment and for their show of appreciation.:)


16:27 Dec 11 2012
Times Read: 1,317

Reading this article about Dept. of Defense trying to save money and wonder...

They spent millions of dollars on this new DP3 system to handle the household area. To cut down the cost of the labor for the folks at the base- our base still has the three men working each day, working toward that pension for life.

I also have a shipment I offered to deliver this morning sitting here, along with a man I am paying, as we wait to get an answer from a mover in Alaska.

Time zones- they aren't even open, don't answer the phone.

So I sit, paying this man, as we wait.. and wait. Instead of me calling the Base and getting this on the move- we wait.

Way to save money. *Thumbs up*




01:48 Dec 11 2012
Times Read: 1,351

Rushes to find a outfit for a Christmas party at the Fire Department with little notice. How little you ask? Less then 24 hours.



08:07 Dec 11 2012

The things you'll do for a fireman :-p

14:26 Dec 11 2012

Welcome to come look in my closet too :)

17:25 Dec 11 2012

Actually they sent you a message weeks ago but since someone still hasn't set up her voice mailbox... they didn't get the message so I got the call at the last minute.

*and I know you have a uniform fetish*

18:55 Dec 11 2012

Voicemail? What is that? lol

Fine- you can set it up this weekend. :P


14:11 Dec 10 2012
Times Read: 1,422

When I read the words siege or war pertaining to this website it just makes me smile. I mean really? What can you do? Other then block and the one ratings, what are you going to do?


Rat thrust the plastic cocktail sword up in the air. “We are at WAR! Men the wall soldiers!” as she turns to look at the Lego wall she built. “We stand for all that we love- be it cheese or hair gel.” She marches back and forth, the lose plastic toy helmet she ripped off the GI Joe doll bouncing on her head. “We can’t take this laying down, these blocks and one rates! WE WILL RISE and end this horror we find ourselves in.”

She moves to her first in command, the trusty teddy bear. “Look- the men are in line, ready to fight at my command.” The teddy’s glassy eyes reflect the dust bunnies lined up behind the wall, along with some stray toys she found about the House. “We will go down in a blaze of glory if they come to take our… uh… if they come this way. My horse- where is my steady and life like stead!”

Rat puts her plastic sword down and pushes the toy pink Barbie size horse in front of the wall, using the Lego wall to help herself up on it, her helmet slowly moving to cover the left side of her face. “My sword! Give me my sword so I can lead us in battle!” She straighten the helmet, holds out her hand and waits. With a heavy sigh, she looks to her Teddy. “See that? No one is willing to move, afraid they will give away their position on the wall. Smart … my warriors are so smart. I will get my own sword- show that I am not afraid of this tyrant who has declared war on us.”

Rat started to step back on the wall only to lose her footing, sliding off the plastic even as she tried to stop her fall with her claws. She stand quickly, putting the helmet back on, patting her horse. “She is ready to go, throwing me in her excitement is all. No worry men- your commander is alright.” She runs, gets her sword and stand to figure out how to climb back… Rat let’s out a girly scream of terror, falling into her teddy’s arms as she ran from the touch at her thigh. Looking back she sees a dust bunny had move in the air current. “Now now- no breaking ranks. Get back in line.” She used her sword to lead it back in place between a angry bird toy and a slinky. “Stand strong men, we are a army of pain. We will go forth and do...what any army does online does. We will talk harsh, we will type threats that mean nothing, we will be so delusional that they will say we will need meds.”

Rat climbs back on her plastic horse and raises her sword in the air, her helmet, leaning to one side. “WE WILL FIGHT!”

*shakes head* Sorry but I think it is funny, cute even.



14:21 Dec 10 2012

That was an adorable story.


14:50 Dec 10 2012

... You're adorable, VW. :P

16:03 Dec 10 2012

I love this! It really describes how absurd people are who throw around the word "war" on VR.

16:23 Dec 10 2012

BRAVO!! ENCORE!!! this is too damn funny I love it. its things like this that make my day!!Thank you .

18:10 Dec 10 2012

wow nice entry VW

20:14 Dec 10 2012


This is an outrage! We're being blocked and "down-rated" by a jackass who is doing it for the attention he knows he's gonna get. Someone needs to teach this dick a lesson!

Erm....no. And if a "lesson can be taught", why bother?

First of all, we can block whomever we damn well please- unless the one you wanna block is a full admin (there are reasons for that) and no admin will ever punish that. Why? Personal choice. We were given the block option to use it. Period.

And "down-rating"? Please. There isn't any such thing. People say "down-rating" like a number lower than 10 is suddenly fraudulent or invalid. I say this: GET OVER YOURSELVES. Geesh, people....it's a number, plain and simple.

22:41 Dec 10 2012

Hope you don't think I am saying this, or any person, can't block or give 1's? I hear enough whine from members about this, and tell it a thousand times "Does it matter? Just enjoy the site and go on, not effecting your life."

I was just making fun of the 'war' role-playing. :)

22:42 Dec 10 2012

Go down a few days down, and you can see that. :D

23:16 Dec 10 2012

*nibbles some shrimp* She's lost it. Finally lost it.

00:54 Dec 11 2012

Only you can say that and not get me mad Otter, only you. :)

02:32 Dec 11 2012

We need meds? Me first!!!! And some for my dinosaure we will join your rank Rat , we are ready for fight, I even got my box of lego so we can make another wall and some plasticine so we make bigger swords! RAWR!!!

08:06 Dec 11 2012

People will be talking about this war for years. The 'honour' that was shown. The sacrifices laid down. Oh and the 'Marks' of glory!!

17:23 Dec 11 2012

Just remember pain fades, chicks dig scars and Glory lasts forever! *you are nuttier than a fruitcake and I love you*


13:41 Dec 10 2012
Times Read: 1,425

Been a busy weekend. Saturday we (Cat and her family) and I went shopping for grave yard flowers at the hobby store a few towns away. Proud of myself, only spent what I needed to, and only what I had to spend.

Then Sunday I went over to take photos of the kids. The youngest, we will call him Boo here, has autism and doesn't like bright lights. So I played with the settings to try and limit the flash, taking it out all together on most. Some came out well, others not so well. But I should be able to lighten them up in edit. Really- some of his came out good, and more important he seemed to have fun. Got to where he would just 'model' for me at the end. lol

While I don't like taking photos of people, I have to say these two kids I don't mind at all.

Then Boo's mom points out that folks with artistic children can't ever get a good shot of their kids because the big department stores photo studios will not take the time or effort to help get them. They do maybe 20 shots and expect you to buy photos they get.

That bothers me. I mean I understand the reason of it, making money and all. Other customer waiting. But most folks can't afford a real studio setting, and the hourly rate of a photographers. That could cost in the hundreds of dollars. And she said anytime she puts up Boo's photo on Facebook other Mother's of artistic children ask her who did them, as it was impossible to find a photographer who will work with them.

So... think I have found the way I want to help these folks. I mean- what is it going to cost me? My camera is paid for, laptop and edit programs are mine. Other then time and the desire to give these parents a way to have a photo of the child they know and love, it cost me nothing.

Late to be trying to do it this year, I know. But I think I will put my name out there, offer to help these folks. Life is hard enough that you can't even get a photo of your child.

Anyway... just makes me sad to of learned of this, and coming to understand the trouble they face for such a simple thing as a photo. Most of these kids most likely had a melt down just going into the store, then sitting and waiting. Parents must of been driven crazy too, trying to keep the child happy till photo time.

When I can come in, in their homes, and take the hours that is needed, play around, let them have a break and play some, or even come back later if they are having a bad day. While I understand a photographer will not do this and why, great thing about this being a hobby for me as I can. :)

Hope I took good enough photos of Boo to lead me to more parents who will give me a shot at helping them.

On another note- went with the family to see Twilight last movie. Have to say I liked it. Loved the ending. :D



19:52 Dec 10 2012

I can probably get you some resources :)

17:45 Dec 12 2012

I have said it before, and I'll say it again- you are the most patient wonderful woman ever.


04:12 Dec 08 2012
Times Read: 1,466

Been years since I have used the bite button. I bite vampyrebeauty just now. Lol. I am using a tablet of Cat's and went to see her avatar, see if she had it in a larger size. I must of hit the bite button. :)

Warnings. Should. Come with this thing. But she was nice about it.



04:14 Dec 08 2012



19:02 Dec 07 2012
Times Read: 1,493

Holly crap! Star Trek trailer. And the bad guy is the actor who plays the Sherlock Holmes I love from the UK. Damn but he is going to make a sexy bad guy. :) Of course, is there any other kind really? ;) But he is a wonderful actor, can't wait to see him in this.



19:04 Dec 07 2012

Looks good.

19:13 Dec 07 2012

Omgomgomg!!!! So can't wait!!!!

21:22 Dec 07 2012

As a friend can be quoted from her comments "I just outted myself as a geek by Trekkie admission and knowing who Sherlock Holmes is played by"... LOVE IT! :D

21:33 Dec 07 2012

She also said many people will get the NCC-1701 virus on opening day ;) Good reason to call in and watch the movie don'tcha think?

22:16 Dec 07 2012

Wow, that looks brilliant.


16:51 Dec 07 2012
Times Read: 1,521

Troll mind set-

“Look! Look at all the journals made about me!“

“And the kismets! My name on a screen- everyone knows me NOW!“

“These people are fucking stupid, getting all upset over this shit.“


“Love the attention- what can I do next? Oh…let’s do honor hits”

“God man- you got to read this message, this dude is freaking crazy! I love it!!”

"I can't wait to coming online, to all these messages, journals, kismets, rants. They can't get enough of me!"

"I have attention- even if it is hate. Someone is paying attention!"

"Let's go into the Vamp Box and try to start a fight... sure I will be attacked there."


“Damn… no one is getting upset by my ones, blocks.”

“What does it take to find some fun here?”

“This fucking site is boring as hell, why do these dumb asses come here? Losers.”

“What is the point?”

"No one even knows I am here."

"Screw this site, waste of time."

*profile falls away for inactive*

*Holds up a egg*

This is your online time

*Throws egg at the wall, breaks it*

This is you paying attention to bullshit on a website that let's them ruin your fun online. You are the one giving them the power to take it from you.

*Picks up a rubber ball*

This is you having fun instead, to spite the trolls.

*Throws the ball, catchs it as it comes back*

I hope you get the point trying to be made here.




16:15 Dec 07 2012
Times Read: 1,532

Seems a refresher is needed on kismets. Kismets are treated, ruled the same as the Forum and the Vampbox on flaming. One of the reason you are asked to remove them-

"Rude, obnoxious, hate, or flame posts"

You can not flame a member using the VR screen name. You will be asked to remove and if you don't, you will have your kismet suspended.

As all you guys should know- trolls live on the attention. Keep it up and they will just sit behind their computers, making fun of all the drama they can stir, how you are acting out.

Duck, Water, Let it roll off ya.

You are giving them all they need to stay here.



16:32 Dec 07 2012

Thankyu for this:)

19:03 Dec 07 2012

I'm surprised half of them have the intelligence to even turn a computer on.

01:51 Dec 11 2012

Trolls make people forget reason. If only people understood it gets them off to see everyone pissed like they are maybe they would just ignore them. Geesh.


14:17 Dec 06 2012
Times Read: 1,582

You know, I find that rich coming from you. Negative honor with no name and that is what pisses you off. So you go around giving it out hoping you 'hit' the one who gave it to you.

The rich part is you gave it out, hand over hand, with no name. When you got taken down a peg for cheating- the one you and your little friend was hitting everyday with no 'name' is no longer on the negative ten.

You loved it when you were doing it. Can't have it both way there.

And by the way- I haven't give you any negative, but given plenty to those below you to move them up. :)



17:26 Dec 06 2012

Yep! And youre on my next hit list babycakes.:D


01:15 Dec 06 2012
Times Read: 1,606

My new favorite TV show- Catfish. I really wish some folks here would watch this, learn a lesson.



04:43 Dec 06 2012

Oh, they made it into a television show? how have I not heard of this? Goodness, I loved the documentary they made. I am going to have to check this out for sure. :]

Everyone who does the internet thing should see this. And if not the show, definitely the film. You just never know who's real.

08:24 Dec 06 2012

I watch it all the time. I absolutely love it!!!

15:04 Dec 06 2012

I love Catfish it's a great show


00:23 Dec 06 2012
Times Read: 1,614

Cooked a whole chicken I found on sale. It was huge, like over 7 lbs. Don't know what I did but it sucked. :( Blah..blah blah blah. And I seasoned it even, shoved a onion and lemon up its butt. Hope it taste better as chicken salad for the next few days.

Put a bagel in the oven to warm up, thinking that with a little cream cheese would take the taste away. Till I burned it, leaving it too long as I washed the dishes, forgot about it. :(

Today is not the day for me to cook.



01:04 Dec 06 2012

Sorry, but I read that as "choked a whole chicken". Then that you'd shoved a lemon and an onion up its butt...


01:19 Dec 06 2012


06:54 Dec 06 2012


The things that woman does to lemons- I swear, it ought to be illegal in several states...lol

18:20 Dec 07 2012

Just can't imagine a 7 pound chicken with a butt as big as a lemon ...that is >>


18:49 Dec 05 2012
Times Read: 1,626

Yesterday I went over to Cat's and spent a few hours. I still sound like a frog, and the pain between my eyes still makes me cringe at noise and light but it was good to see her, the family, kids.

I sat on the couch and watched it unfold-

Her sis said something to Cat *Nightgame here* about her being a smart ass. Of course Cat gave a remark back. That lead to her sister picking up a roll of ribbon (she does craft, make wreaths so it is about the place) and she throws it at Cat, hitting her right in the glasses. The roll weight? A few ounces, at most. Mind you- they are sitting in recliners next to each other with a end table and lamp between. O.o

Cat threw it back, missing her sister by a mile, and landing it on the floor. By then they are laughing at each other, yelling that one can't throw worth shit, the other one about how she almost put a eye out. By then her sister's child, Boo as he is called, started in on the fun, laughing.

I sat there thinking how much I had missed this crazy family/ home. :)

Today was shopping day for the family as I had not been in two weeks. Safe to say I am worn the freak out.

Now just need to call the boys and tell them the one job left for the week call and put it off. :(

They got a whole 4 hours this week.

Time to write up the layoff slips I guess.

I called a job I estimated a move for, Goverment move. I knew it was a waste of time as they always take the money and the men/ folks in the office do it themselves. Sure enough= they are doing it this time at the end of the year, into the 1st of Jan 2013.

Is it bad I hope it snows a freaking 4 foot on them? Or cold sleet rain?

I know I know.... what you send out comes back.



02:04 Dec 06 2012

Send it sugar, we like snow :) Serves them right for making you come out and work for nothing, they could at least give you a tip for your time and trouble but I bet they didn't but they'll cash in on your work. That sort of crap ticks me off.

I wish you had felt like coming over for dinner I tried a new way of fixing, the pork tenderloin and it was really good and very tender.


02:26 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 1,693

Coming off Imagesinwords journal-

I could name 5 members on this site I would tell any new member to stay away from. Why? All about the drama. Always into the 'online' fights, calling names, using info they 'gain' as friends to attack.

I could name names, make a list for all to see, as I can do that as a member.

But then that is giving them power that I will not hand them.

Just saying- watch what you say to folks here as your friends can be *and with these 5* will be the ones who hate you in a few weeks.

Harsh, but true.

Reason I can list the folks I talk to here. Those I have meet in real life, and about 4 more. So that is.. 12 in all. And they know who they are. :) They make a difference in my life.

I have never had someone 'turn' on me here, had the name calling. But I have seen it enough to know it happens, no matter how close you start.

And those 5? Oh- they know who they are. They know who they are well as I don't have a damn thing to do with them.



05:30 Dec 04 2012

But....we call you Rat....isn't that name calling?

05:35 Dec 04 2012

-bribes with a truck load of cheese- :p lol


01:27 Dec 04 2012
Times Read: 1,706

I can tell I am getting better because shit on this site is starting to piss me off.

Gods- can't folks act like adults?



01:35 Dec 04 2012

Slow down, just chew at their arms and legs to start with! That said, glad you're feeling better.

03:13 Dec 04 2012

I for one am glad we members have you to count on:):):) thanks for being awesum in both example and as staff:)

20:50 Dec 04 2012

adults on vr? I tough we were in some kind of kindergarden? or daycare... oups guess I should put my clown outfit back in the closet then


23:39 Dec 03 2012
Times Read: 1,712

Sis called to check on me late yesterday, about dark. She sent me some meds she had, over the counter, to see if it would help with the mucus.

It did. Still got the headacke, sound like a frog but better today. I called to see if I could get into the Dr tho, as I have had this since Thanksgiving day. Nope- Wen.

Hoping this will get it gone by then.

Staying in this week is helping, since we have two jobs this week. One today that I didn't have to go out in, only a 4 hour move.

Sis came down and we got 5 bills out tho. :) Only 4 more to be caught up for the year on her billing. Leaves me the local bills that I can do on my own, asking her to just check on the grammer. And I still got all the checks/ deposits to sort out for the companies for taxes.

But feel like I am catching back up to life.




21:56 Dec 01 2012
Times Read: 1,736

Taking the advice given = resting tonight. Housework got done, but the fall decorations are still up. Just got weak, worn out after a few hours of catching up the home stuff, 8 loads of laundry.

Time to eat some frozen BBQ I unthawed, bake a tatter, and movies. Then bed early for me.

Wanted to go shopping for the flowers for the graves, put up the Fall, dig out the Christmas decorations, and trip to buy some food in today. But knew that wasn't going to happen when I finally got the housework done.

I also wanted to go take some photos at local places. I had to cancel the hospital visit and the man that owns it said he was busy till 2013. So that trip is pushed back a few months. :( I just hope he doesn't change his mind about letting me into the place.



00:16 Dec 02 2012

I'm sure he will let you in sugar, just all the holiday stuff keeping everyone busy right now. Rest and get well Rat.

00:43 Dec 02 2012

Health first. That place can only get older but it will still be there.

02:49 Dec 02 2012

Advice given.....lol

more like threats, if I recall...lol

00:29 Dec 03 2012

You can only do so much. Get better, and get more rest!



14:29 Dec 01 2012
Times Read: 1,748

Feel a lot better this morning. My throat is not as raw, still got the cough tho. :)

Going to try and do some housework, laundy. Sink is full of dirty pots, bowl, cups from soup all week. And the trash needs taken out.

I even feel like laying something out to cook later for dinner.

Well... I will lay it out, see how I feel after all the housework is done.



17:18 Dec 01 2012

Remember not to over-do things for the first few days or you'll be back where you started.

18:06 Dec 01 2012

AAAWWW the Ratty is sick poor thing , huggies hon hope you get s better.

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